Yippiez, so long no Sunday date with precious one. Hees… (◕‿◕)

Went to Johor for massage follow by shopping and relaxing meals. Woohoo…
Decided to go back to “Tang Shifu” for our late lunch after massage.

Premium bird’s nest soup having promotion, 買一送一!

Bird’s nest soup is a delicacy in Chinese cuisine, super good for health and complexion. Hees…

Bought home a concentrate bottle to pamper myself~! ^^

Products from “Skin Food” which make of ROYAL HONEY~! ^^

All the products are enriched with royal honey extracts for long lasting moisturization, and have just been launched in Malaysia.

Royal honey ranges is enriched with nutrients from wild flowers, contains high amount of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals for deep moisturization, nourishing, exfoliating, and firming of the skin. It also contains anti-aging properties to promote soft and youthful glowing complexion.

There’s go my “wonderful”sunday~! o(^▽^)o