See my bois relaxing themselves after shower…

♥ Yang Yang ♥

♥ Tazy ♥

After reunion dinner, supposedly want to go over Waterfront to see firework but who know it start to rain, so end up went over to Causeway Point for a movie instead. (*^^*)

Title of Movie: I ♥ Hong Kong

~♥ Synopsis ♥~

I LOVE HONG KONG tells the story of SHUN (Tony Leung Ka Fa) who returns with his wife SHUN-SO (Sandra Ng) and 3 kids (Aarif Lee, Mag Lam & Clorinda Chan) to stay with his dad (Stanley Fung) after a failed business venture.

Upon Shuns return, he realised that the neighbourhood he grew up in is no longer the bustling hub it used to be. Then Shuns old buddy LUNG (Eric Tsang) appears, and things take a turn. The duo had lost contact after Lung was accused of fleeing with money raised for a charity drive.

They reminisced about the neighbourhoods past and presented their proposal to rebuild the estate and revive its glorious past. The community and neighbourhood folks are thrilled with the idea and contributed money and efforts to work towards the rebuilding. Little did they expect, Lung once again, fled with their money.