Relax sunny afternoon so bring the bois to explore “Woodlands WaterfrontLocation Map, it was launched on Sunday, 23 May 2010,  a new leisure destination in the North.

The Woodlands Waterfront project is part of the Urban Redevelopment Authority’s Parks and Waterbodies Plan, which seeks to enhance Singapore’s green spaces and waterbodies on an island-wide basis.

Once occupied by warehouses, the waterfront now boasts a modern park with highlights such as a 400m-long jetty – the longest in Singapore – and a playground equipped with a two-storey-high ‘sky walk’.

The playgroud with unique two storey high bridges made of meshed rope, called a “skywald” and a stationary skating system which even adults can use. Although only one-third of the park area has been opened, the URA (Urban Redevelopment Authority) said the main features are already in place.The Woodlands Waterfront will also add on to 1.5km of the 150km-Round Island Route, which allows seamless strolling, jogging or cycling around Singapore. Vistors can enjoy a view of Johor Baru from a lookout point in the park and participate in community activities at the event plaza.

When fully completed, the remaining six hectares will include a Cantilevered Promenade, nature area, trails and green spaces and the Woodlands Waterfront will be linked to the nearby Admiralty Park and the park connector along Woodlands Centre Road and Admiralty West, which by 2015.

My 2 bois enjoys themselves there…

♥ Tazy ♥

Brought the bois to an enclosed area so they can run freely without leash and will not “disturb” other visitors.

♥ Yang Yang ♥

With his “Red” Collar Bag which I bought from Taiwan…

Tazy is having great time running around…

♥ Yang Yang & Tazy ♥

Yang Yang is enjoying himself on the grass path cos the wooden flooring is too “hot” for him~! Haha…

Tazy is joining the fun on grass path too… Hehe…

Time to go home soon…

Tazy walking down the slope…

Nice green environment, will bring the bois back here again… ♥ (^^.)