Ben & Jerry’s Chunkfest 2010, went for this event yesterday, reached the venue around 3pm.

Here it go some exclusive photos to share…

Theme of Chunkfest 2010 is “Peace, Love & Ice Cream.

The hosts of the event are from Class 95, Jean Danker & Tim Oh.

See the beautiful event decorations by Ben & Jerry of cute guitar-wielding cow who guards the gate!There would be 6 bands performing in the evening till night, but wasn’t able to catch the bands performing cos plan to leave the event around 5 plus for a dinner meet up. =(

See the lovely done up stage for bands performing, there are also booths selling Ben & Jerry’s 12 exclusive flavors of the ice cream, merchandise, food and drinks.There are 3 booths selling the ice creams. This is just one of them.

See this cutie teenage serving us with yummy ice cream!Each scoop of ice cream will entitle you to 1 Moolah. These vouchers can be accumulated to redeem exclusive Chunk Fest merchandise.There is another booth which offered a reading of your fortune as well.Hees, posting with this classic packaging of the Ben & Jerry’s ice cream.♥ Band Performing Stage ♥See the “Super” tall buildings behind my back! Wooowoo!Firstly I bought a double scoops with “Chocolate Peanut Butter Swirl” & “Pomegranate sorbet”.

Now queuing for RootBeer Float with “Vanilla Heath Bar Crunch”!Beautiful signboards by Ben & Jerry which I took up the board to posed for photo.Lastly you will see this lovely van of Ben & Jerry’s parking at the path side of the event.

So Kawaii! Hees…Party like never before at Chunk Fest 2010 ~ real blast from the past!!!


A Princess who always ♥ Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream! Mucks!!!