At time I really don’t understand how come couples / friends can’t just get along with “PEACE”? Is it really that hard? We all know how to talk and express our opinions. We can get mad and shout very easily but sometimes don’t like to hear it come back to us. These are all forms of expressions.

I think communication is the main key in any relationship. Whether it is a working relationship or a friendship, we need to express what we really want to say. How would anyone know what we really feel unless we just say it? No one is a mind reader.

How can someone “change” if you don’t tell them what’s wrong? Doubt say doesn’t mean you able to “change” someone…

No one likes to hear the other person talk so much. That is what communication is all about. You have to really think about what you are saying. Always put yourself in the others person’s shoes as you talk to them. How would you like to hear the words you are saying to the other person? Be honest! I mean brutally honest with someone. Of course put it in a nice way and most important be honest.

Communication and honesty is the key in any relationship. At time so many people could communicate but not being totally honest. You need both! You know what is wrong and what is right. Make the right choice!

It’s not hard, from even these simple observations, to see the potential problems when men and women communicate. Women create feelings of closeness by conversing with their friends and lovers. Men don’t use communication in this way, so they can’t figure out why their women are continually talk, talk, talking. Eventually, many men just tune their women out. The ubiquitous image of husband who has his head buried in the newspaper when their wife talking to them non-stop while having breakfast comes to the mind.

In man eyes, he’s being supportive, because men don’t talk to each other about their troubles unless they really do want a solution; talking about their problems is wallowing in them. The man doesn’t realize that his woman was simply trying to establish a certain kind of intimacy with him–inviting him to reciprocate and share himself with her.

The woman, craving closeness and intimacy with her man, talks to him about her problems with friends, family, her job, etc. She seeks to have her man respond as her girlfriends have always done, and talk with her about his concerns. However, man hears these conversations as requests for advice or nagging, not intimacy. He considers the problem and offers a solution, or dismisses the issue. When his woman continues to go on about these same concerns, showing no movement to consider his advice, he becomes confused and eventually angry; he begins to believe that his woman is an expert at talking about nothing. The woman begins to feel that her man doesn’t care about her because he won’t talk to her in a way that feels intimate.

Like this morning I heard this storyline of “Clock” Part 4 from Radio 100.3, mentioned this old man last time always use his “Magic Clock” to faster the time whenever his wife start nagging non-stop when younger. When time past, he seldom use this ‘Magic Clock” anymore cos he getting use to his wife nagging, e.g. nag him wake up, change clothing, what to wear, match and etc… If he didn’t hear, he feels kind of uncomfortable now…

Anyway “Communication” is important! (^_^)