Have been getting abit sick of outside food nowadays cos always have to think what to eat during lunch and even for dinner…

Everyday after work, this question sure pop out from my mind…

“What for dinner later”? Gosh… O.O

Avoiding all the hassle, intention to order “TINGKAT” for a try.

Have been surfing online for a few choices, end up set my decision on “Kim’s Kitchen” cos I did ordered their buffet before as taste not bad, think tingkat should be almost the same too…

~ S$40.00 for 5-day trial ~

Website: http://www.kimskitchen.com.sg/tingkat.html

And here it go today ~ My 1st Day of Tingkat meal…Review: Taste not bad but  mixed vegetable abit too oily for me and the pathetic soup only have 1 small piece of chicken. (O.O)

Overall this meal still consist acceptable.

Hope tomorrow will be a better dinner for me!